Key Takeaway: To excel at Ship, Captain, and Crew, prioritize rolling a Ship first, focus on the highest-scoring combinations of Captain and Crew, keep track of rolled combinations, and adjust your strategy based on your points compared to opponents.

If you’re a fan of dice games, you may have heard of the popular game, Ship, Captain, and Crew. This game has been played for centuries, and it’s still enjoyed by people of all ages around the world.

But how exactly do you play Ship, Captain, and Crew? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the rules of the game and explore some strategies to help you win.

What is Ship, Captain, and Crew?

Ship, Captain, and Crew is a dice game that can be played with anywhere from two to six players. The goal of the game is to roll specific combinations of dice to score points.

The player with the highest score at the end of the game wins.

Setting up the Game

Before you can start playing Ship, Captain, and Crew, you’ll need to set up the game. Each player will need three dice, and you’ll also need a score sheet to keep track of everyone’s points.

To start the game, each player rolls one die. The player with the highest number goes first.

How to Play Ship, Captain, and Crew

During each turn, players roll their three dice. They then try to roll specific combinations of dice to score points. The possible combinations are:

Ship: a six on any one die

Captain: a five on any one die

Crew: a four on any one die

Pair: any two dice showing the same number (except for two sixes, which is a Ship and not a Pair)

High Score: the total of all three dice

At the beginning of each turn, the player must first roll a Ship. Once they’ve rolled a Ship, they can then try to roll a Captain and a Crew. If they’re successful, they can then roll for a Pair and a High Score.

If the player rolls all five combinations (Ship, Captain, Crew, Pair, and High Score), they get to roll all three dice again and add to their score. If they don’t roll all five combinations, their turn is over, and they must mark their score on the score sheet.


Players earn points for each combination they roll. The points are:

Ship: 1 point

Captain: 2 points

Crew: 3 points

Pair: 2 points

High Score: the total of all three dice

If a player doesn’t roll a Ship, their turn ends, and they don’t earn any points. The game continues until each player has had an equal number of turns.

Strategies for Winning

To win at Ship, Captain, and Crew, you’ll need a combination of luck and strategy. Here are a few tips to help you improve your chances of winning:

1. Focus on rolling a Ship first. Without a Ship, you can’t score any points.

2. Once you’ve rolled a Ship, focus on rolling a Captain and a Crew. These are the highest-scoring combinations.

3. If you’ve rolled a Ship, Captain, and Crew, don’t risk losing those points by trying for a Pair and a High Score.

4. Keep track of which combinations you’ve already rolled. This will help you know which ones you still need to focus on.

5. If you’re behind in points, take risks and go for the more difficult combinations. If you’re ahead, play it safe and focus on the easier combinations.


Can Ship, Captain, and Crew be played with more than six players?

No, the game is designed to be played with a maximum of six players.

What happens if two players tie for the highest score at the end of the game?

In the event of a tie, the tied players continue playing until one player has a higher score than the others.

Is there a penalty for rolling a combination out of order?

No, there is no penalty for rolling a combination out of order. However, players must roll a Ship before they can try for any other combination.

Can the Pair be two sixes?

No, a Pair cannot be two sixes. If a player rolls two sixes, it counts as a Ship and not a Pair.

Can Ship, Captain, and Crew be played online?

Yes, there are many online versions of the game available for play. However, some people prefer to play the game with physical dice for a more traditional experience.


Ship, Captain, and Crew is a fun and simple dice game that can provide hours of entertainment. By understanding the rules and using the right strategies, you can improve your chances of winning and have a great time with your friends and family.

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