King’s Cup is a classic and popular drinking game that can add fun and excitement to any party or social gathering. The game involves drawing cards from a deck, each card having a specific rule attached to it.

In this article, we’ll show you how to play the game, the rules, setup, and tips for a great time.

How to Play King’s Cup

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The rules of King’s Cup are simple. Here’s how to play:

1. The game is typically played with a group of four or more people.

2. Place a large cup or chalice in the center of the table and arrange a deck of cards around it.

3. Each player takes turns drawing a card from the deck.

4. Each card has a specific rule associated with it, which the player who draws the card must follow.

5. If a player breaks a rule or hesitates, they must drink from the cup in the center.

6. The game continues in this manner until all of the cards have been drawn.

Rules of King’s Cup

To ensure that the game is played safely and responsibly, here are some rules to follow:

1. Players must be of legal drinking age.

2. Drink responsibly and do not exceed your limits.

3. No physical contact is allowed while playing the game.

4. If a player breaks a rule or hesitates, they must drink from the cup in the center.

5. Do not pressure or force anyone to drink.

Cards and Rules of King’s Cup

Here are the most common cards and their associated rules:

Ace: “Waterfall” – Everyone starts drinking and does not stop until the person to their right stops.

Two: “You” – Choose another player to drink.

Three: “Me” – The person who drew the card drinks.

Four: “Floor” – Everyone must touch the floor, last person to do so drinks.

Five: “Guys” – All guys drink.

Six: “Chicks” – All girls drink.

Seven: “Heaven” – Everyone must raise their hand, last person to do so drinks.

Eight: “Mate” – Choose someone to be your mate, they must drink whenever you drink.

Nine: “Rhyme” – Choose a word, and everyone must say a word that rhymes with it. The first person who can’t think of a word drinks.

Ten: “Categories” – Choose a category, and everyone must say something that fits into that category. The first person who can’t think of something drinks.

Jack: “Make a Rule” – Make a rule that everyone must follow for the rest of the game.

Queen: “Question Master” – You become the question master. Whenever you ask someone a question, if they answer instead of asking a question back, they must drink.

King: “King’s Cup” – Pour some of your drink into the center cup. The person who draws the last king must drink the entire contents of the cup.

Tips for Making the Most of King’s Cup

Here are some tips for maximizing your enjoyment of the game:

1. Use a beer with a low alcohol content to avoid getting too drunk too quickly.

2. Use sturdy and stable cups to avoid spills and injuries.

3. Have backup decks

4. Make sure everyone understands the rules before starting the game.

5. Play with a group of people who are comfortable with each other and won’t take things too seriously.

6. Mix up the rules and create your own variations for added excitement.

7. Take breaks as needed and make sure everyone is staying hydrated.

8. Assign a designated driver or arrange for alternative transportation if necessary.


Can King’s Cup be played with less than four people?

While King’s Cup is typically played with a group of four or more people, it can be adapted for smaller groups by using a smaller deck of cards or altering the rules.

Can the person who draws the last king add a rule to the game?

No, the person who draws the last king must drink the entire contents of the cup.

Can the person who draws the last king pour more of their drink into the center cup?

No, the person who draws the last king must drink the current contents of the cup, no matter how much or little is in it.


King’s Cup is a classic and fun drinking game that can add excitement and laughter to any party or social gathering. By following the rules and tips outlined in this article, you’re sure to have a memorable and enjoyable experience.

Remember to drink responsibly, take breaks as needed, and most importantly, have fun! With its easy-to-follow rules and versatile gameplay, King’s Cup is a great game to play with friends and family.

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